Best Cryptocurrencies To Buy In June 2022

Last Updated May 23rd 2022
6 Min Read

The crypto market is slowly recovering from the recent crash. Find out which are the best cryptos to buy in 2022. 

Crypto has been plunging in 2022, with particularly steep declines in May amid rising interest rates and the stablecoin market crash. However, the market is slowly recovering, and investors seeking a good entry point have plenty of opportunities now. This leads to the question, how do you know specific crypto would yield a great ROI in the future. Considering growth potential, strong fundamentals, and market position, here are the best cryptocurrencies to buy in June 2022. 


Ethereum Name Service (ENS)

Ethereum Name Service has been one of the top-performing cryptocurrencies, making ENS a good buy for profitable returns. 

The first token in the list of the best cryptocurrencies to buy in June 2022 is Ethereum Name Service. It is a distributed, open, and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum blockchain. ENS allows users to create universal nicknames for their public addresses and decentralized accounts. By leveraging NFT technology, the network creates secure credentials on the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, the purported goal of the project is to simplify cryptocurrency payments and drive mass adoption.

ENS facilitates users with a single ENS domain, where they can receive any kind of crypto and NFTs. Unlike its competitors, ENS does not want to replace DNS (Domain Name System) but focuses on providing distributed, trustworthy name resolution for Web3 resources such as blockchain addresses and distributed content.

ENS is one of the best cryptos to buy in 2022 as the network eliminates the current lack of privacy in the blockchain sector with the use of its proprietary technologies.

buy ENS

Crypto assets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

Kyber Network Crystal v2 (KNC)

KNC is the leading player in the booming DeFi industry, making it one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy in June 2022. 

The Kyber Network is a unique cryptocurrency with blockchain algorithms being the center stage of the protocol. It has a strong focus on programmability. Kyber Network pools liquidity from a range of sources, including token holders, market makers, and decentralized exchanges, and unites them into a single network-wide liquidity pool.

KNC runs on the Ethereum blockchain and supports a decentralized crypto exchange called KyberSwap. This DEX stands out from the crowd because rather than having a standardized rate of exchange or an order book, the rates of exchange are built into the system’s protocol itself. 

KNC is one of the best cryptos to buy in 2022, as the protocol has plans to integrate with the top chains across the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Moreover, the crypto has always been consistent with its plan to upgrade the protocol to ensure improved usability, security, functionality, and decentralization, carving a growth path for itself.

buy kyber network

Crypto assets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

Cronos (CRO)

CRO is one of the best cryptocurrencies to buy in June 2022, thanks to the rapid growth of the ecosystem. 

Cronos is the native token for the popular crypto app and exchange, With its ability to process a higher number of transactions per minute than Ethereum, Cronos is fast, cheap, and scalable and executes smart contracts easily. The purported goal of the Cronos token is to simplify access and utility. 

Cronos was rebranded from Coin last year to reflect that is more than a crypto exchange. It's also a programmable blockchain that hosts a broad ecosystem of applications. The network has gained huge traction as developers look for less congested blockchains with lower costs. 

Cronos works with the top blockchain startup accelerator, named Cronos Labs, to scale-up adoption. It offers access and native interoperability to Cosmos through the IBC protocol and extends its 10M users community globally.

buy Cronos

Crypto assets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

Universal Market Maker (UMA)

Given the pace at which the protocol is growing, UMA seems to be a good buy in June 2022. 

The UMA protocol facilitates users with the ability to build decentralized financial protocols. Developers can seamlessly create and manage their own derivatives and other DeFi products on the Ethereum network, leveraging UMA’s innovative infrastructure. 

Anyone can design and create trustless financial contracts using the Universal Market Maker protocol. With customizable contract templates, developers can create a derivative for almost any asset, even ones that everyday investors can’t access.

The platform also secures these contracts using economic incentives, making it completely trustless. Users can create synthetic assets and gain exposure to real-world assets on the blockchain, driving the network’s adoption. 

Holders of the UMA token can participate in the network’s governance. Universal Market Access aims to bring billions of people who lack access to basic financial services due to a lack of infrastructure a viable alternative. A user just needs the internet and a smart device to participate in the Universal Market Access ecosystem.

buy uma

Crypto assets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

Apecoin (APE)

ApeCoin's bold use case initiatives like gaming and merchandise make it one of the best cryptos to buy in June 2022. 

ApeCoin was launched by Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), one of the hottest non-fungible token collections in 2021. Thanks to BAYC's solid position as a key leader within the NFT space, APE has garnered massive attention within a short time.  

ApeCoin is an NFT-inspired crypto that grants holders access to certain parts of the ecosystem, like exclusive games and services that are otherwise unavailable. ApeCoin can be used to purchase products and services such as play-to-earn games that BAYC is developing. 

Crypto assets are a highly volatile unregulated investment product.

The Bottomline 

Although the crypto sphere is highly volatile, it has become a go-to investment asset for several investors worldwide. With higher risk comes the opportunity for a greater reward if invested carefully considering your risk appetite. However, if you are planning to invest then, here are the best cryptocurrencies to buy in June 2022. 

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