What's New with Ripple (XRP)? The Rumor You Should Know

Last Updated October 20th 2023
3 Min Read

Key Takeaways -

  • Ripple's XRP is gaining global interest, with Bhutan and Montenegro exploring its use for their Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
  • France is also speculated to be considering XRP for its digital euro, backed by positive references from the Banque de France.
  • The European Central Bank (ECB) is advancing its digital euro project, adding to the broader context of XRP's potential role in digital currencies.

The cryptocurrency world is abuzz with speculation, and this time, it's about France possibly considering Ripple's XRP for its digital euro. This article dives deep into the facts, expert opinions, and what this could mean for the future of digital currencies in Europe.

The Speculation Unveiled

The Speculation Unveiled

The speculation around France's interest in Ripple's XRP has been fueled by various factors. EDO FARINA, the CEO of Alpha Lions Academy, recently stirred the pot by pointing out that France's central bank had successfully tested a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) two years ago. Adding to this, the bank had favorably mentioned Ripple and XRP in an academic paper.

Banque de France's Ripple Connection

The Banque de France has previously released a paper titled “Implementation of Real-Time Settlement for Banks Using Decentralized Ledger Technology Policy and Legal Implementations.” This paper is significant because it highlights XRP's ability to act as an intermediary asset for bridging different currency pairs. This could be a significant step toward mainstream adoption, especially considering Ripple's growing market cap.

The EU's Digital Euro Ambitions

The European Union (EU) is also making strides in the digital currency space. The European Central Bank (ECB) has moved the digital euro project into what they call a "preparation phase," with an official launch expected in the coming years. This move has garnered mixed reactions. While some see it as a step toward modernization, others in the crypto space are wary, fearing it could be a tool for surveillance.

XRP's Growing Global Influence

France is far from being the only nation intrigued by the potential of Ripple's XRP. In fact, the cryptocurrency is gaining traction on a global scale. The Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan took a significant step by forming a partnership with Ripple in 2021. This collaboration aims to launch a digital version of Bhutan's national currency, thereby modernizing its financial infrastructure.

Similarly, Montenegro's central bank is not staying on the sidelines. They are actively collaborating with Ripple to explore various strategies for developing their own Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). This partnership could pave the way for Montenegro to enhance its digital and cross-border payment systems, aligning with broader financial inclusion goals.

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