Unveiling Ethereum's EIP 4844: Big Leap for Layer 2 Networks

Last Updated November 27th 2023
3 Min Read

Key Takeaways -

  • EIP 4844's introduction of 'data blobs' is set to reduce Ethereum Layer 2 transaction fees by sevenfold, significantly boosting cost-effectiveness.
  • The upgrade promises a 600% increase in Ethereum's efficiency and throughput, benefiting advanced technologies like ZK-secured validity proofs and hybrid optimistic rollups.
  • With EIP 4844 and the upcoming RIP-7560 proposal, Ethereum is gearing up for transformative upgrades that will enhance scalability, functionality, and overall user experience.

Ethereum is on the cusp of a significant technological leap with EIP 4844, commonly referred to as "Proto-Danksharding." This upcoming upgrade is poised to be a transformative force for Ethereum's Layer 2 solutions, significantly enhancing their performance and efficiency.


As a leading platform in the smart contract arena, Ethereum is gearing up for a substantial transformation. The introduction of EIP 4844 represents a major step forward, promising to usher in a new era of efficiency and cost-effectiveness for Layer 2 solutions. This upgrade is not just a technical improvement; it's a strategic evolution that could redefine Ethereum's role in the blockchain ecosystem.

A New Chapter in Layer 2 Transaction Fees

A New Chapter in Layer 2 Transaction Fees

Renowned Ethereum expert Ryan Berckmans sheds light on the introduction of 'data blobs' in EIP 4844. These blobs are crucial for dramatically reducing Layer 2 transaction fees, which are expected to decrease by a factor of seven. In addition to fee reduction, these blobs are set to significantly increase the network's bandwidth, thereby enhancing overall performance and user experience.

The separation of 'blob gas' from the regular Layer 1 execution gas is a key aspect of EIP 4844. This separation is a strategic move expected to lead to much lower fees for blob transactions. It represents a thoughtful approach to balancing network efficiency with cost-effectiveness.

Elevating Efficiency and Throughput

The implementation of EIP 4844 is anticipated to boost Ethereum's efficiency and throughput by an impressive 600%. This remarkable increase is a testament to the potential of this upgrade to revolutionize Ethereum's capabilities. The upgrade will be particularly beneficial for cutting-edge technologies leading Ethereum's scaling efforts. This includes ZK-secured validity proofs like Polygon zkEVM and Starknet, as well as hybrid optimistic rollups such as Arbitrum Nova, which are integral to Ethereum's future scalability and performance.

Ethereum's Progressive Road Ahead

The Ethereum community is eagerly anticipating the EIP 4844 rollout. This upgrade is expected to make Layer 2 solutions not only faster but also more cost-effective, addressing some of the most pressing challenges in the Ethereum network. The upgrade is scheduled for confirmation in the first quarter of 2024, and its successful implementation will be preceded by a series of shadow forks and testnet updates, ensuring a smooth transition.

In parallel, Ethereum is preparing for another significant stride with the proposed RIP-7560. This proposal is focused on introducing native account abstraction to Layer 2 solutions, marking a pioneering rollup-specific performance upgrade. It involves strategic adjustments in smart contract accounts, aiming to enhance functionality and performance, further solidifying Ethereum's position as a leader in blockchain innovation.

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