VeChain Marks 9% Growth as Coinbase Introduces VET & VTHO

Last Updated September 14th 2023
3 Min Read

Key Takeaways -

  • Coinbase has strategically added VeChain (VET) and VeThor (VTHO) to its platform, leading to a significant rise in VET's price.
  • Coinbase won't support Proof-of-Stake rewards for VET holders. For VTHO rewards, users should opt for compatible wallets.
  • The VeChain community has responded positively to the listing, indicating strong support and anticipation for the tokens' future on Coinbase.

Coinbase, a frontrunner in the cryptocurrency exchange landscape, has consistently been at the forefront of innovation and strategic listings. Their recent decision to incorporate VeChain (VET) and VeThor (VTHO) into their platform is a testament to their forward-thinking approach. This move has not only garnered significant attention from the crypto community but also led to a remarkable uptick in VET's price.


Coinbase's reputation for making impactful decisions in token listings remains unchallenged. The enlistment of VeChain and VeThor underscores this trend, hinting at potential market shifts and reflecting Coinbase's commitment to offering diverse crypto options to its users.

Price Movement Analysis

Price Movement Analysis

The ripple effect of the announcement on VET's price was immediate and significant. Before the news broke out, VET was trading at a modest $0.0146. However, within a span of 24 hours post-announcement, it surged impressively to $0.01627, marking a 9.25% increase. Such movements showcase the influence of major exchange listings on token valuations.

Market Implications

The crypto world is abuzz with predictions following this listing. Analysts and experts believe that being on Coinbase can pave the way for VET and VTHO's mainstream adoption. Furthermore, the market cap of VET might witness a substantial surge in the forthcoming months, presenting a bullish scenario. This could be a pivotal moment for both tokens in terms of market recognition and value.

Key Announcements

Earlier in June, the crypto community was rife with whispers about Coinbase's interest in VET and VTHO. By September 12, these whispers turned into a loud and clear announcement, confirming the listing. By September 13, 2023, traders and enthusiasts could start their transactions with these tokens on Coinbase, marking a new chapter in their trading journey.

Technical Insights

Coinbase, always transparent about its operations, has shared insights on certain technical aspects. They've clarified that they won't be supporting Proof-of-Stake rewards for VET holders. For those keen on maximizing their benefits and earning VTHO rewards, it's advisable to transition to wallets that are compatible with liquid staking derivatives.

VeChain's Future Prospects

The road ahead looks promising for VeChain. With this new listing, they are optimistic about reaching a wider audience, enhancing their global footprint, and possibly forging collaborations with Coinbase. Their hints at introducing a deflationary pattern in their tokenomics further add to the anticipation, suggesting innovative strategies in the pipeline.

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