How To Invest $2,000 Online – Best $2K Investments In 2023 Revealed

Last Updated March 15th 2023
15 Min Read

In this guide, we will explain how to invest $2,000 by breaking down the 10 best $2K investments in 2023. These include short and long-term investments that target both first-time and highly experienced investors.

These were carefully vetted and curated by our team analysts, sampled from an ever-growing catalogue of highly lucrative online investments. They are massively popular within the investing community and have been taken up by the ever-increasing number of individual and institutional investors.

Some of their shared features include the promise of higher-than-average return on investment in the foreseeable future, as well as deep liquidity. They are also relatively easy to onboard as they are either passive or there exists a rich resource of free educational content to help you master the investment process.

Read on to learn more about the best $2K investments and tips on how to identify the investment that appeals most to you.

Top 10 Ways To Invest $2K Today

Here is an outline of the top 10 $2,000 investments in 2023 alongside their most outstanding feature.

  • Stocks Overall Best $2K Investment Today
  • Crypto Most Profitable Way to Invest $2K In 2023
  • Maxing Retirement Start Planning for retirement with $2K in Long Term Growth Assets
  • Copy Trading Most Beginner-Friendly Passive Investment
  • Index Funds Invest $2K in a Diversified Pool of High Growth Stocks
  • NFTs  Invest in Growth Focused Digital Artwork
  • Commodities Trading  Best $2K Investment in Oil, Gold, and More
  • Peer-to-peer Lending Earn Competitive Interest on Loans to Individuals and Institutions
  • Crypto Staking Earn Double Income on $2K Investment
  • Corporate Bonds  Safest and Low-Risk on 2k Investment for 2023


Below we discuss each of these investment options, tell you why they are worth considering and how much you stand to earn over time. We also help determine if they fit your risk profile, align with your investing goals, and the level of investing/trading experience needed to manage successfully manage them.

The Best $2,000 Investments In 2023 Reviewed

Hereinbelow, we discuss the 10 most popular ways of investing $2,000 in 2023.

1. Stocks – Overall Best $2K Investment Today

Overal invest in stocks is one of the best investments today. Stocks are one of the oldest, most lucrative, and most reliable investment class in the world. For centuries now, millions of individuals and businesses have made a fortune investing in and trading stocks. It, therefore, is only reasonable that stocks feature in our list of best $2,000 investments for 2023.

But we don’t include it simply because it is reliable. We also considered it because of the relatively low barriers to entry required and the fact that it appeals to both first-time investors and pro traders. Over the past few years, we have witnessed the mushrooming of online brokerages that let you register an investor account and start buying international stocks in under 10 minutes and for as low as $10.

Best $2,000 Investments

We also believe stocks to be among the best ways to invest $2K today because it appeals to both highly experienced and beginner investors. The first-timers have the option of simply buying and holding on to promising stocks and watching their value grow for years. For instance, if you bought TESLA stock 10 years ago, this investment would have appreciated by more than 20000% when the company peaked in late 2021.

Expert stock traders, on the other hand, have the option of trading real stocks or stock CFDs. The upside to trading CFDs is that you will have access to leverage – as high as 1:500 in some countries – and you also get to short stock trades.

buy stocks

Your capital is at risk. Other fees apply.

2. Crypto – Most Profitable Way to Invest $2K Today

Invest $2k today in crypto is another option to consider. Cryptocurrencies have been the best-performing asset of the last decade. Leading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have, for instance, had their value shoot from under $10 a decade ago to peak above $64,000 in late 2021- translating to a 640000% value gain. Others like Shiba Inu appreciated by more than a million percent in a few months during the early 2021 crypto market rally. And better yet, you can start investing in any of these for as low as $1.

How To Invest $2,000

In addition to this lucrativeness, cryptocurrencies are also highly accessible and deeply liquid. Crypto investing also appeals to both beginner and expert traders. First-time investors can simply buy and HODL onto a promising coin like BTC or ETH, while experienced investors get to leverage the volatility of the 21000+ altcoins in existence today and the unpredictability of the larger crypto market.

These are some of the factors that informed our decision to add cryptocurrencies to our basket of the best $2k investments right now. Others include the cryptocurrency market’s hugely promising future. Moving forward, digital assets are expected to continue dominating the investment niche as the most lucrative asset.

Over the next 10 years, for instance, Bitcoin is expected to rally by as much as 5000% to tear above $1 Million, while Ethereum is expected to grow by 10000% to tear above $100K. This implies that you stand to grow your $2k investment to $100K or $200K in the next 10 years if you invest in either of the coins.

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

3. Maxing Retirement – Start Planning for retirement with $2K in Long-Term Growth Assets

Creating a new or maxing an existing retirement account is also an investment flex and one of the best ways to invest $2k today. But this has to be complemented by investments in highly lucrative and moderately safe assets. Note that there are different types of retirement accounts that let you invest in a diverse range of assets, but we would recommend opening and stacking your existing Roth IRA account.

We recommend this particular retirement account because it offers several advantages. For starters, it is self-directed, implying that you have near-absolute control over the type of assets that you choose to invest in. Additionally, it offers better tax advantages than most other retirement accounts.

The capital gains from the Roth IRA investments are tax-deferred – implying that you don’t have to pay tax on the year they are earned. But even more importantly, both your contribution and capital gains can be withdrawn tax-free as soon as you hit 59.5 years – provided you have been contributing to the retirement account for the last five years.

In addition to these, we believe maxing a retirement account to be the best $2k investment today because it doesn’t need prior experience. Furthermore, there are a lot of free resources online to teach you how to create and successfully manage your retirement account.

4. Copy Trading – Most Beginner-Friendly Passive Investment

Copy Trading involves copying the trade strategies of a highly successful trader or investor and replicating them in your trading account. It is one of the most beginner-friendly and lucrative investment strategies. And today, a growing number of such online brokerages as eToro and trading platforms like MT4, DupliTrade, and ZuluTrade will let you copy some of their most successful traders and trading strategies.

In addition to these, we feature copy trading among the best $2k investments today because of its lucrativeness. Some of the popular investors that you can copy on eToro, for instance, have posted double-digit percentage growth on their investments for months (consistently). The most successful copy strategy on MT4, on the other hand, has helped its copiers grow their investment by more than 8000% in the last four years (cumulatively).

Other reasons why we include copy trading among the best ways to invest $2K today include its affordability. You can, for instance, start copy trading for as low as $200 on eToro, and the broker doesn’t charge extra commission on the normal trading fees. Even premium copy trading strategies like MT4, like the North East Way strategy, sell for less than $100.

copy trading

68% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

5. Index Funds – Invest $2K in a Diversified Pool of High Growth Stocks

Index Funds are equities and securities portfolios that track the performance of a group of stocks and treasuries. They are traded on the money markets, and the price mirrors the performance of their component stocks and bonds.

Some of the most popular index funds today include the S&P 500, which tracks the performance of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the US. FTSE 100 tracks the performance of the 100 most valuable companies in the UK, and DOW 30 tracks the performance of 30 prominent companies listed and traded in the US.

How To Invest $2,000

One of the reasons why we feature index funds among the best $2K investments today is that they are highly diversified. This helps them broaden their ROI and be more resistant to market stocks – in comparison to individual stocks.

But we also feature them here because they are highly lucrative, easily accessible, and affordable. For instance, S&P, FTSE 100, and DOW 30 have appreciated by more than 300%, 150%, and 260%, respectively, in the last 10 years. A growing number of online brokerages will also let you invest in these funds, fraction trade, or even trade index CFDs – which allows you to short any fund and profit from both price directions.

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Your capital is at risk. Other fees apply.

6. NFTs – Invest in Growth Focused Digital Artwork

NFTs are digital artworks created and hosted on blockchain networks. They are an excellent store of value and have emerged as one of the most popular and fastest-growing crypto investments. We consider them the best $2k investment today because of their outsized profitability, promising future, and the fact that they can be used as a hedge against other instruments and inflation.

To understand how lucrative NFT investing is, you only need to examine the price action of some of the most popular NFT projects. When the all-popular BAYC NFT project launched in April 2021, for instance, it had a floor price of 0.08 ETH ($190).

One and half years later, this floor price rallied by more than 61000% to reach 73 ETH ($116000). This implies that if you had invested $2K in BAYC NFTs when they went live, your collection would be worth $1.2 Million today.

More popular NFTs continue to launch, and experts expect them to mirror BAYC’s price performance in the foreseeable future. And this is one of the primary reasons why we feature NFTs in our list of the best ways to invest $2K today.

Others include the fact that they are passive investments and that they accord owners additional exclusive benefits. BAYC NFTs, for instance, earn you entry into an exclusive discord channel where you can interact with A-list celebrities and other BAYC owners like Kevin Hart, Snoop Dogg, Madonna, and MARK Cuban.  

buy NFT coins

Crypto asset investing is highly volatile and unregulated in some EU countries. No consumer protection. Tax on profits may apply.

7. Commodities Trading – Best $2K Investment in Oil, Gold, and More

Commodities trading involves the buying and selling of futures contracts for raw materials like Iron and Copper, precious metals like Gold and Palladium, agricultural products like Wheat and corn, and energies like Oil and natural gas. It involves making bank by leveraging the volatile price action of these products. And for the longest time, it was a preserve of experienced and it was a preserve of the most experienced and moneyed traders.

How To Invest $2,000 Online

However, several changes in the commodities trading niche have made the niche available to anyone. The most revolutionary was the integration of commodity CFDs trading by online brokerages and copy trading. Now, you do not need to be an experienced trader to start profiting from the commodity market’s massively volatility. You could also start trading with as low as $10 (or $200 if copy trading).

 These are some of the reasons why we added commodity trading to our basket of the best $2K investments.

Others include the market’s lucrativeness. In the year to date, for instance, crude oil prices have rallied by more than 140%, which is a contraction from the 190% peak recorded in the first four months of the year.

invest in commodities

68% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

8. Peer-to-peer lending – Earn Competitive Interest on Loans to Individuals and Institutions

Peer-to-peer lending involves bypassing banks and lending directly to individuals and SMEs. We consider the best $K investment today because it earns you competitive interest rates – higher than is currently being offered by bank savings. Take, for instance, three of the most popular peer-to-peer lending platforms Prosper, Lending Club, and Upstart. They promise lenders annual interest of between 5% and 36% on their investment.

We also feature peer-to-peer lending among the best ways to invest $2k today because of its ease of beginner-friendliness. It is a passive investment that doesn’t require any prior experience on the part of the investor. Not forgetting that it often carries negligible overheads in the form of facilitation fees charged by the peer-to-peer lending platform.

You may also consider peer-to-peer lending because it appeals to all investors, regardless of their risk-tolerance levels. The p2p lending platforms categorize borrowers according to their risk profile – informed by such factors as their ability to repay, credit score, and loan repayment history. Risk-averse investors can choose to settle with low-risk borrowers at the low-interest range (around 5%), while risk-tolerant investors may lend moderate- to higher-risk borrowers while at competitive interest rates (up to 36% p.a.).

9. Crypto Staking – Earn Double Income on $2K Investment

A bank savings account is to cash investment, what staking is to crypto investing. It involves locking your cryptocurrencies in an income-generating crypto program. But staking offers more benefits than most other conventional forms of savings, like banks, in more than one way.

For starters, crypto staking programs pay higher interests – sometimes more than 100% p.a. But even more importantly, staking allows crypto investors to earn doubly. This implies that even as you earn interest, the staked crypto will most likely appreciate in value, which is not possible with bank savings, where cash can only waste away due to inflation. And these are the primary reasons why you should consider staking the best $2k investment today.

Others include its beginner-friendliness, in that you do not need rich crypto investing/trading experience to start staking crypto. You only need to buy a high-interest digital currency and lock it to a crypto-staking protocol. Additionally, there are multiple types of staking, and they tend to offer unique additional benefits. Staking in a DAO or PoS blockchain, for instance, lets you vote in key decisions affecting the management of the network/protocol.  

10. Corporate Bonds – Safest and Low Risk $2k Investment for 2023

Corporate bonds are similar to treasuries. But instead of lending to the government, as is the case with treasury bonds, corporate bonds involve loaning monies to corporations and other business entities. We feature them among the best $2K investments of the year because they offer higher returns than comparable investments such as government bonds or bank certificates of deposits while giving you a near-similar level of guarantees.

Corporate bonds also make it here because they are a low-risk passive investment that appeals most to risk-averse and first-time investors. You do not need prior inviting or trading experience to start bidding on corporate bonds or buying them at an over-the-counter bond market.

They also make it here because they offer fixed interest rates. Plus, they are moderately liquid as they can be either sold at a third-party exchange (often over-the-counter markets) or used to secure loans with banks. We might also add that they are way less volatile than stocks or crypto.

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Your capital is at risk. Other fees apply.

Factors To Consider When Choosing The Best $2K Investment Today

Now that you have gone over some of the best ways to invest $2K today, you now need to know some of the factors that you ought to consider when finding the best investment for you.

In this section, we outline some of the factors to consider when choosing a $2,000 that works for you:

Risk-return ratio

It is not enough to say that a crypto investment will yield 10000% in returns in one year. You have to weigh this against the risk of taking up such an investment. Asses this risk-to-return ratio for each investment.

Financial goals

You also need to consider your financial goals when deciding on the best investment. In most cases, long-term goals call for compounding returns of a low-risk investment like corporate/government bonds, while quick profits call for investments in high-risk, high-reward assets like crypto.


You also need to consider the ease with which an investment can be converted to cash or another asset. Avoid investing in illiquid assets.

Individual risk tolerance

It is important that you vet your risk tolerance before making critical investment decisions and only settling on assets that align with your tolerance levels.


Assess the complexity of the investment and check if you have the requisite knowledge or experience needed to manage it. Inexperienced traders, for instance, should consider crypto staking as opposed to commodities trading.

Costs and expenses

It is not enough to consider an investment’s potential ROI. You must also calculate the costs and expenses associated with managing the investment and the impact they will have on your profitability. Then avoid costly assets or investing/trading platforms.

Conclusion – Best Ways To Invest $2K Today

There are multiple investments that you can make with less than $2000. And in this guide, we have discussed - in detail - what we consider the best $2K investments of the year – exploring some of the factors that make them the best investment, their expected return on investment, and their risk profile. But even more importantly, we have discussed some of the factors that every investor ought to consider when looking for the best $2,000 investment.

eToro – Best Trading Platform For Traders And Investors

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68% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

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FAQs How To Invest $2,000

What is the most profitable $2K investment today?

From the above list, crypto investing clearly is the most profitable $2k investment. For over 10 years, it has dominated the markets as the more profitable short and long-term investment.

How much can you make when you invest $2000 today?

How much you make investing $2k today will mostly depend on a host of factors, including the choice of asset, its volatility, market performance, your investing/trading experience, and trading/investing/management fees/charges.

What are the best $2K passive investments?

In the above investing guide, we have discussed several wholly passive and semi-passive investments that you can engage in with as little as $2,000. These include investing in corporate bonds, crypto HODLing/staking, peer-to-peer lending, and copy trading.

What are some of the most profitable ways of growing a $2k investment?

Two of the most popular ways of maximizing your profit from a $2K investment include crypto trading and copy trading. The wildly volatile price action of commodities and cryptos presents you with multiple income-generating opportunities. You, however, need to have above-average trading skills to get started and access some of the most advanced trading, analysis, and risk management tools.  

What should I look for in the best $2k investment?

Some of the most important factors to look out for when vetting the best $2k investment include its profitability and alignment with your financial goals, as well as risk-tolerance level.