Articles Related To Smart Contracts

Are There Too Many Cryptocurrencies?

Supposedly there are approximately 2,957 different cryptocurrencies being traded, of which the top 10 present 85% of the total market value of almost...

Smart Contracts: What Makes Ethereum the King of Smart Contracts

Before we get down to business, let’s briefly talk about smart contracts, their characteristics and applications in today’s world of...

Top 100 Cryptocurrencies On CoinMarketCap In One Sentence

Top 100 Cryptocurrencies On CoinMarketCap In One Sentence CoinMarketCap is the number one place most people go to get an understanding of how well a...

Will Tron Take Off In 2019?

Tron is one of the fastest rising cryptocurrencies of 2019 and is attempting to achieve a lot. Essentially they want to revolutionise how the...

What Are Smart Contracts? How They Work And Why They’re Important

If you’ve started researching cryptocurrencies then you most likely have seen the word smart contracts appear a fair few times, particularly if...